I’m launching a new online (content) platform for my online programmes and material on creativity for business innovation, you can find it here.
It’s still in beta, but the software is promising.
Up to now, I have uploaded a single free course ‘Strategic Design – an introduction’ which is a short and to the point introduction explaining the origins of strategic design as a mix of strategic and design thinking.
What is interesting is the possibility to comment under each lesson.

The ability to add comments turns online programmes from monologues to conversations. You can now quickly contribute to a video by sharing your thoughts, providing links on the subject, and why not, answering with another video (e.g. passing the video URL in the comment session).
If you decide to give it a go, (it is also mobile friendly) please let me know your feedback. I’m planning to regularly upload online courses and new material on this content platform, and I’ll keep you update with this Blog.
Please feel free to invite friends and colleagues on this platform, and I’m sure it will be populated soon with lots of interactions and shared learning.
In the meanwhile keep your creativity fly!