After having weighed the contribution that design can bring to your project (by using the ‘Assessing the design opportunity template’) and decided that it is worth giving it a go, the first step in the design process is scoping the opportunity for new value creation.

The project scope template drives our attention to three main aspects:
1) The Opportunity
2) Possibilities (wide perspective)
3) Limitations (narrow perspective)
1) The opportunity:

In this part of the template, you are asked to describe what you already know about the user you want to serve, and what you need to know. Also, what is the pain you want to ease, or the enhancement you want to deliver to the experience of that user?
Understanding the current offer available to the customer and its limitations it’s essential. Any successful project adopting the design thinking approach requires generating a collective mind in your team regarding the current proposal and its flaws.
2) Possibilities (wide perspective)
After generating a shared understanding (within your team) of the opportunity, time is ready to evaluate the broader options for value creation.

The second and third page of the Project scope template, ask you, and your team, to look at the opportunity for value creation, as described on the first page, from a broad perspective. What is the big challenge you want to tackle?
When adopting design methodologies, teams overlook the importance of this step. While many of us are good at converging their thinking - a skill gained in school – we face difficulties to diverge our thinking. So, please place extra care and time here.
3) Limitations (narrow perspective)

This part of the template is a piece of cake when compared with step two. Here you need to highlight the constraints under which you are operating as a team. These limitations could be a tight budget, and rigid guidelines raining from the top, etc.
While the last two pages of the Project scope template ask you and your team to articulate these limits or barriers, do not perceive as a negative.
Many products or services you use today result from makers operating under limitation and constraints - design helps you to overcome them.
After having assessed the contribution of design for your project using the ''Assessing the Design Opportunity template'' you can now proceed by ‘scoping your project’ with the project scope template which you download here.
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